Armin Blasbichler Studio¹ is a visual arts practice exploring imbrications of tangible and intangible artefacts in physical and virtual space². The studio pursues ventures³ in atoms, bytes and ideas. Armin Blasbichler⁴ is an architect⁵, artist⁵ and educator⁶. He lives and works⁷ in Basel, Switzerland and on the Internet⁸.

  1. Say Hello ︎
  2. Art on the blockchain and elsewhere, NFT curation, creative direction
  3. Web3 production studio & advisory, exhibition design, tokenomics
  4. 1.83m, myopic, in good spirits mostly
  5. Dipl.-Ing. Arch./SIA, M.A. Chelsea College UAL
  6. Uni Innsbruck, TU Berlin, Uni Bolzano, Academy of Art and Design Basel
  7. Pinned on ︎
  8. Web3 mostly 

© 2024 Armin Blasbichler Studio GmbH
All rights reserved